AD // The is a paid partnership with Childs Farm
Bathtime is one of my favourite times of the day, after a long day of work and nursery, it’s time for Eva and I to play, relax and shout at bubbles! Our routine has changed over the years from baby massage every night when she was tiny to swimming with sharks (well, mainly splashing) these days.
We love Childs Farm and have used their products since Eva was born, we’ve tried so many different products but Childs Farm are the only ones that don’t irritate her sensitive skin. Childs Farm very kindly sent us their Baby Bedtime Suitcase Gift Set to put the test during our bathtime routine.
Before we get into the bathtime routine, Childs Farm have very kindly given me a discount code to share with you! CLARE15 will give you 15% off any full price products on the Childs Farm site, perfect for Christmas shopping.
Bathtime kicks off around 7pm in our house. After an hour or so of riding her bike around the living room, watching Hey Duggee, climbing on my back, playing football, brushing my hair with a wet wipe and shouting about cows I sneak off upstairs to run the bath and have a sit down for a bit mins while Joe plays with Eva downstairs.

I always use the Childs Farm baby bathtime bubbles and every single night it makes me want to get in the bath with her, the tangerine smell is just so lovely! I add lots of bubble bath and leave it to run while I set up the bathroom ready for Eva. I grab a couple of books for us to read, her pyjamas, a nappy, nappy cream, moisturiser and the changing mat. I put her towel on the radiator so it’s nice and toasty when she gets out.
I usually put on a playlist of nursery rhymes and soothing songs in an attempt to create a calm space but chaos generally takes over anyway.

The Childs Farm Baby bedtime suitcase gift set comes with a baby bath thermometer so I use that to make sure the bath is just right.
About 7.30pm I wrestle Eva upstairs using tactics of pretending to be a pony, she shouts ‘BYE BYE DADDYYYY’ and we trot upstairs.

We get upstairs, strip her off and generally end up having to choose more books as my selection was not to her liking. Sometimes we read books before the bath and have nice cuddles but sometimes she just wants to get straight into the bubbles.
We wash her hair every 4 days or so but I’ll wet it a little every day as she ends up looking like a cockatoo every single day. We have a chat about her day while we scrub off glitter, felt pens and paint out of her eyebrows and toes using the Childs Farm baby wash. Eva likes to wash her knees very thoroughly with it and takes great pleasure in making me her baby wash dispenser slave.

After she’s thoroughly clean, we play, chat and sign until she’s showing signs of being tired, or until I am! Her favourite bath toys at the moment are these little tubs that suction to the side of the bath, bath crayons (she asks me to draw things, a ‘ghost cow’ is her standard choice at the moment) and bath books.
Sometimes she’s in the bath for 5 mins if she’s had a busy day but other times we’re in there until the water goes cold, it just depends on how she’s feeling. It’s such a pleasure to spend time with her after a long day of work, if she’s in a good mood we’ll be in the bathroom for ages!

I usually get her out of the bath around 8ish and start to attempt to wind down for bedtime, I snuggle her up in a big warm towel and have cuddles while we read a book.
Her go to books at the moment are the Josephine Baker Little People Big Dreams board book, Farm 123 and ABC Zoo, she is very keen on lift the flap books!

Once we’ve read a few books (or one book 7 times…) I slather her up with Childs Farm Baby Moisturiser which she helps with too, we run through different body parts as we go, knees are a particular favourite again! She usually insists on moisturising my back too, I’m not complaining, it’s the closest I’m getting to a spa at the moment.
This moisturiser is so good as lightly scented to smells great but is gentle enough to not irritate her skin. The pump top is so handy too, much easier than a tube of moisturiser.
She’s very into the potty at the moment so we’re keeping it handy for when she asks to use it, she has nappy free time while we read and get ready after the bath and sometimes she uses the potty too. We’re not pushing potty training, we’re just letting her guide it.

Once we’re both suitably moisturised I pop on her nappy, we use Rascal + Friends nappies and wipes which are so good. She loves taking her nappy off so we repeat this step a few times until she stays in her nappy!
If she’s a bit sore I’ll use the Childs Farm nappy cream, it’s really gentle and clears up any redness overnight, perfect for sensitive skin.

After her nappy is on I wrestle her into her pyjamas while she dictates how I do it by shouting FEET or HANDS! We love Lindex pyjamas, they’re super soft and come in so many cute prints. We have a lot of animal ones so we say their names and noises as I get her dressed, bzzzzzzz is a favourite for her bee PJs!

Brushing her teeth is one of her favourite hobbies at the moment, we usually brush them twice a night because she finds it so much fun! I usually let her brush her teeth first and then I help her to make sure her back teeth are fully clean.
How cute are her leaopard print PJs? I really want some!
After that we tidy up the bathroom and call Daddyyyyyy from the top of the stairs. Joe comes up for cuddles, kisses and to say goodnight which usually ends with Eva in hysterics. And then it’s time for bed! She usually drops off pretty quickly as it’s quite a late bedtime but it’s what works for us at the moment.
I’d love to hear about your bathtime routine too! Leave a comment to let me know how yours goes at the moment.

A big thank you to Childs Farm for inviting us to share our bathtime routine and for sending us the Baby Bedtime Suitcase Gift Set for us to try out.
The gift set would make such a lovely Christmas present for new parents or those with little ones, it’s perfect for making bath time a lovely time for bonding and play time!
You can find out more about it and buy it here. Childs Farm have also very kindly given me a discount code to share with you, you can use CLARE15 for 15% off full price products on the Childs Farm site.
A big thank you to Childs Farm for partnering with us for this blog post, we love the brand and it’s a pleasure to work with them!